1. Certificate Course in Andrology (Laboratory)
Duration: 3 days
Course Fees: Rs. 25,000 + GST (18%)
This is a two day hands on laboratory course where candidates will learn all the laboratory Andrology Protocols. Lectures on relevant topics will be delivered by powerpoint presentations. At the end of the course, candidates will have an understanding on basic andrology laboratory protocols and how to set up an Andrology lab. Graduates in Life Sciences, Medicine, BDS and BVSc are eligible for the course.
For more details, please write to us at training@creaconceptions.com
2. Certificate Course in ART
Duration: 2 weeks
Course Fees: Rs. 1,00,000 + GST (18%)
This course is for beginners in the field of ART and gives a holistic approach to practicing Clinical Embryology. Lectures will be delivered on fundamentals of gametogenesis, etiology, pathogenesis of Infertility, Embryo Culture & Cryo Preservation laboratory protocols by power-point presentations. Graduates in Life Sciences, Medicine, BDS and BVSC are eligible for the course.
For more details, please write to us at training@creaconceptions.com
3. Advanced Training in ICSI
Duration: 3 days
Course Fees: Rs. 75,000 + GST (18%)
This is an intense hands-on course on Micromanipulation. Practicing Clinical Embryologists who would like to improve their skills and understanding in ICSI / Graduates in Life Sciences, Medicine, BDS and BVSc are eligible to enroll in this course.
For more details, please write to us at training@creaconceptions.com
4. Certificate Course in Cryopreservation
Duration: 3 days
Course Fees: Rs. 40,000 + GST (18%)
This is an intense hands-on laboratory course in Cryo-preservation for practising Clinical Embryologists who would like to improve their skills. Cryo-preservation of samples including semen, oocyte & embryo will be covered in this course.
For more details, please write to us at training@creaconceptions.com