Madras University, Crea Conceptions offer PG Diploma in Clinical Embryology

To impart the knowledge and training to embryologists, there are very few structured, formal training programs both at the national and international level and there is an urgent need to develop and conduct such courses. It is essential to generate competent and ethical professionals to practice such an important branch of reproductive medicine and this course will aim at equipping post graduates in life sciences and medcial graduates in the diverse aspects of clinical embryology or assisted reproductive technology.

This course "PG Diploma in Clinical Embryology" is offered by Madras University in collaboration with Crea Conceptions Private Limited. Madras University will be the certificate issuing body. This course is proposed to be a One year/Two Semesters programme.

For more details about this course, visit the 'Academics' section of this website...

Crea Conceptions News
Crea Conceptions PG Diploma Course